Now, I've know about the 'The Secret' for a while. But this week was the first time that I watched the film in its entirety and, inspired again as I was, I couldn't resist sharing it with a wider audience. Its billed as 'The Secret to everything - the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted'. A tall order maybe, but I've been using The Secret to great effect in my business dealings, so I suggest you give it a go too, whether in your career or in any other part of your life.
To watch The Secret online for $4.95 right now click here. Or read on to get the flavour of The Secret from my summarised version. Could it change your life forever...........................You'll never know unless you find out more................
OK, what is the Secret then? Here's the two minute version. The Secret is quite simply the Law of Attraction; like attracts like, or, whatever you have, or whatever you are, you attract more of.
So? Well, in reality most of us spend a lot of time thinking about what we don't want. Too much energy focussed on what we are trying to avoid. Think about a weight loss diet; what happens as soon as you start on the regime? You think food food food, 24/7. Yep, you got it, 'what you resist, persists'.
This is one reason why I have a problem with most competency based Performance Management Systems. We expend all that effort trying to iron out our wrinkles, when what we should be doing is building on our inherent strengths, not magnifying our weaknesses. Focus on what you want, and what you don't want just falls away.
So, think positive, empowering thoughts, and thoughts become things. Did you know, its been scientifically proven that affirmative thoughts are 100 times more powerful than negative thoughts. Choose your thoughts carefully - take care with what you wish for. Or as Mahatma Gandhi puts it
'A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes'. Ok, but how on earth can you control your thoughts - after all you have 60,000 of them a day? Well, you control your thoughts through your feelings. A shift in your emotions can change your whole day, your whole life. How do you do this? Try anything to break state: music, dancing, play with the baby, cuddle the pets (yesterday taking the kids to 'Mr Bean's holiday' worked for all of us!). Not in the mood? Then try listing all the good things in your life, all the things you have to be grateful for. My first coach asked me to do this to the tune of 100 acknowledgements. A 100! Yes it's stretching but it sure makes you feel good about your lot in life. And it's an exercise that I now often use with my own clients. By making those acknowledgements you are actively engaged in shifting your mood (if you don't believe me then imagine for a moment what it would feel like to write down 100 gripes. How would that make you feel? You don't even have to do it to know how you would feel!). |
The Secret will tell you all about this and much more. |
Ok there are a couple of new-agey things in the film which test my resolve a bit too. Yep, I struggle with the concept of finding a parking space through visualisation. And any talk of energy fields, just leaves me cold. But, please, don't be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. There's just too much other good stuff in there. Think of it as on-screen coaching. Keep your mind open and let it in.
I'll just finish off with two of my favourite quotes from the film, which underline my whole self belief and personal responsibility philosophy.
Firstly, 'Whether you can or you can't, you are right'. Nuff said.
And also 'Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there are only walls'. I love this (and it really does happen) it makes me think of the scene in the first Harry Potter movie when he's trying to get to platform 9¾, and the wall only opens for access if he truly believes it will. Have I whetted your appetite? Hope so.
Go now to The Secret to watch the full film for $4.95 online. Post your thoughts here. And talk to me about how coaching can support you in pursuing the Law of Attraction by emailing me at [email protected]
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