One of the most powerful coaching tools I use is the Wheel of Life. It's a simple tool which helps determine the current focus of your time and energy. This in turn can help identify areas of relative neglect and thus define where you would like to make improvements. The coach helps you consider each area of your life in turn and assess what’s ‘off balance’.
The Wheel of Life is powerful because it gives you a vivid visual representation of the way your life is currently, compared with the way you'd ideally like it to be. It is called the "Wheel of Life" because each area of your life is mapped on a circle, like the spoke of a wheel. In the example above, the client feels that their highest levels of satisfaction are in the areas of Family and Partner which they have rated at 80% (4/5). The lower scoring areas are Career and Finances and these are likely to be where they would like to focus and make improvements.
Email me at info@theaccountantscoach to receive your own Wheel of Life template. Or take up the special offer at our sister site, worksmartplayhard and get your very own Life Audit.